My Perspective on Life at 17


I grew up in a Christian home and came to know the Lord at a young age. Until I was about 12 years old, I never did much more than read my Bible for 5 minutes and pray before bed. Through Martha Finley’s Elsie Dinsmore books, the Lord pursued and conquered my heart. I knew He’d been wanting me to live passionately for Him, I just never showed the interest. Finally, I decided to give the Lord more of me. I grew immensely in the Lord during the next two years.

When I was 14 years old, I went on a mission trip with my father and my relationship with the Lord grew so much more! I’d been on mission trips before, but had never experienced the joys of leading people to Christ until then. The Lord showed me the importance of being faithful in leading others to the Lord and serving those in need. That experience really humbled me as I’d never been through anything like it.

I returned home with a burning passion to know the Lord more and a desire to connect with others my age; people with the same desires I had to live completely surrendered to Jesus. I didn’t want my youth to be wasted foolishly, but instead for it to count for much more than the average teen’s. The Lord somehow led me to the ministry of Alex & Brett Harris, I knew that was just what I needed. I found the encouragement I needed from the forum there to keep pressing on toward the goal (Phil. 3:14) and defying the low expectations that are thrusted on young people in this generation.

The Lord continued to grow me…..

At around 16, I began reading books and resources by Leslie Ludy. setapartGirl Magazine, Authentic Beauty, Set-Apart Femininity, The Lost Art of True Beauty…. They all reached out and stirred my heart. I knew I wanted to live a set-apart life. Deep down, I knew I wanted to be a feminine young lady whose joy and fulfillment was found fully in the Lord. I felt God ask me to let go of all my dreams and desires and turn them over to Him. I knew I had to give God every area of my life…personal life, relationships, ministries, schooling…. I had to leave it all in His hands and let Him make the decisions for my life. It was a hard decision, but I knew the Lord was preparing me from years ago for this decision. I could see now how the Lord allowed those books at 12, the mission trip at 14, and the newfound Rebelution ministry to all come into my life at precise moments when I was ready to take in its content and understand what the Lord expected of me. I decided to just let it go. I didn’t have much, but I gave the Lord everything I had. Jim Elliot once said:

Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.

I knew what God’s will was, thus I wanted this exemplified in my life.

Since then, it’s been the most fulfilling and exciting years of my life. The Lord has taught me so much on living a set-apart life. I am no longer in control of any area of my life. I no longer worry about trying to control my own life. God has allowed me to participate in ministry at church teaching girls in Sunday School whenever there’s a need. He’s given me the opportunity to have a home group for young girls on Friday nights where I have been able to share with those girls what the Lord did in my life at their age and how they can give their life fully to the Lord and live radiantly for Him. I’ve since graduated high school, begun college, continued on the Rebelution forums and have been granted the position of a moderator for the girl’s section of it…I have younger sisters that I can be an influence to, parents who’ve modeled the set-apart life for me, and a wonderful church that’s made a major impact on my relationship with the Lord. I have so many reasons to be thankful and to know that God is pleased with the set-apart life. God is blessing me and I simply want to strive to continue to humbly get to know Him and lead others to Him.

No one said the set-apart life was easy. To be quite honest, it’s not. You’re at risk of being made fun of, ridiculed, laughed at, and talked about. It may hurt, but can I just tell you it’s all worth it? To know at the end of it all that the Lord is pleased with us and that His will was fulfilled in our lives is all worth it. Nothing matters more on this earth than what the Lord thinks of us. Giving ourselves fully to the work of the Lord is what we were made for! There is nothing in us that makes us worthy of God. It is only Christ in us that gives us worth. Consider this quote:

“If any soul has any beauty, it is because Christ has endowed that soul with His own, for in ourselves we are deformed and defiled! There is no beauty in any of us but what our Lord has worked in us.” -Charles Spurgeon

It’s only when the Lord has worked in our life that we are truly beautiful. Jesus Christ gives us all we need. Pursue Him and give Him the best years of your life. Live Radiantly Set-Apart for your King…

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18

Joyfully in Him,

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