This past week, Mikey and I have been staying at my parent’s house with my grandma while they are out of town. It has been a pretty fun week of going to the movies (La La Land was a great one!), eating out, taking lots of naps and getting ready for the new year (or well, new week!). The one thing I have done most in the last week is make fun desserts. I have tried quite a few things, but my best desserts have been Creme Brûlée and Chocolate Souffles. Both turned out splendidly so I decided to share one today and the other very soon!
I used sweet chocolate for this, although I read that it works best with bittersweet chocolate. I haven’t personally given it a try, but the sweet chocolate worked out just fine in my case! I used a double broiler successfully for the first time, so that was pretty cool, too. :) Then, as they went in the oven, I was thrilled to see how beautifully they popped up and grew twice as tall. It was a the funnest cooking process I have experienced to date!
These are delicious when drizzled with sweetened condensed milk.